Lowongan Kerja S1 S2 Terbaru PT Frisian Flag Indonesia Oktober 2020

LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru Oktober 2020) - Mencari pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan bidang kita saja sulit, apalagi untuk mencari pekerjaan dengan berbagai fasilitas dan insentif yang diberikan sesuai dengan impian Anda. Dalam mencari pekerjaan Anda harus bisa melihat kemampuan diri Anda sendiri. Jangan gegabah dengan melamar pekerjaan yang membutuhkan banyak persyaratan yang berada di luar kemampuan Anda. Perusahaan yang membuka lowongan pekerjaan terkadang hanya mencari karyawan / pegawai baru yang spesifik dengan kebutuhan mereka. Carilah pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan yang ada atau sedikit lebih tinggi. Persiapkan diri Anda dari sekarang, karena bisa saja perusahaan melakukan interview secara mendadak melalui telepon sehingga akan benar-benar menguji kemampuan Anda yang sesungguhnya. Jika melamar suatu pekerjaan sebisa mungkin Anda mengetahui sedikit tentang perusahaan tersebut serta pekerjaan yang Anda lamar. Melamar pekerjaan bisa disebut sebagai suatu hal yang gampang-gampang susah. Ada pelamar yang hanya mengirimkan satu surat lamaran, kemudian dipanggil wawancara dan langsung diterima bekerja. Sebaliknya ada pelamar yang sudah mengirimkan puluhan surat lamaran dan sudah dipanggil untuk wawancara berkali-kali namun tidak kunjung diterima bekerja. Dalam banyak kasus, kemampuan akademik yang tinggi juga seringkali bukan jaminan untuk bisa diterima bekerja. Orang-orang yang termasuk dalam kelompok terakhir yang telah mengirimkan puluhan surat lamaran tetapi tidak kunjung diterima bekerja seringkali menjadi frustrasi dan akhirnya putus asa sehingga kehilangan semangat untuk mencari pekerjaan. Akibatnya mereka cenderung menjadi pengangguran dan memiliki konsep diri yang negatif. Demi menjaga agar jangan sampai sang pelamar menjadi frustrasi maka ada beberapa hal tertentu yang harus dipahami dan dipelajari secara seksama oleh para pencari kerja. Sama halnya dengan melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan lain dalam hidup ini, maka mencari pekerjaan pun memerlukan suatu pemahaman, ketrampilan dan keahlian tersendiri. Hanya orang-orang yang menyadari hal inilah yang akan mampu memenangkan kompetisi (di Indonesia bisa disebut Hyper-kompetisi) dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan. Beberapa hal tersebut yang perlu menjadi perhatian para pencari kerja.

Lowongan Kerja PT Frisian Flag Indonesia - PT Frisian Flag Indonesia adalah produsen produk nutrisi berbasis susu untuk anak-anak di Indonesia dengan merek Frisian Flag, yang juga dikenal sebagai Susu Bendera. Frisian Flag menjadi bagian pertumbuhan keluarga Indonesia selama lebih 95 tahun. Frisian Flag berkomitmen terus berkontribusi membantu anak-anak Indonesia meraih potensinya yang tertinggi, melalui produk bernutrisi tepat.

Semua ini dimulai ketika susu dengan merek Friesche Vlag mulai diimpor dari Cooperatve Condensfabriek Friesland, yang kini menjadi Royal FrieslandCampina, pada 1922. FrieslandCampina merupakan koperasi peternak sapi perah terbesar dunia yang berpusat di Belanda dan beranggotakan 18.645 peternak sapi perah di Belanda, Jerman, serta memiliki 23.675 karyawan di 100 perusahaan di seluruh dunia. Sebagai bagian dari FrieslandCampina, Frisian Flag mengacu pada pengalaman global dan kemitraan jangka panjang dengan peternak sapi perah lokal, agar dapat menghadirkan nutrisi terbaik yang diperoleh dari susu.

Saat ini PT Frisian Flag Indonesia kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Oktober 2020 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.

Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Frisian Flag Indonesia Tahun 2020


1. Business Area Supervisor (Alternative Trade Channel), Malang
Daily operational of salesman team and stock management:
  • Plan, check and monitor route for salesman team in daily basis to ensure all outlet are visited as targeted and on schedule
  • Monitor salesman achievement target and activities based on their KPI in daily basis to ensure their actual versus plan target
  • Monitor merchandiser target and activities based on their KPI in daily basis to ensure availability and visibility product and material promotion
  • Coordinate with warehouse team related stock management in daily basis to ensure availability & quality of product

Promotion & program execution:
  • Monitor and track execution of promotion & program to ensure the implementation compliance and effectiveness
  • Gather data related promotion & program implementation to get feedback from the market

People Development:
Conduct briefing & coaching for salesman to enhance skill and knowledge

Area Development:
  • Identify market opportunity and competitor data to get updated market condition and competitor activities
  • Prepare data related distributor actual achievement to get comprehensive data for assessment and grading evaluation
  • Liaise with distributor to keep a good relationship and manage the problem occurred

To Be a Successful In This Position, You Are:
  • Must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in any field.
  • Fluent in English
  • Having at least 3-4 Year(s) of working experiences as Sales Supervisor in Fast Moving Consumer Goods
  • Willing to be stationed in Jakarta
  • Able to drive a car and have a valid driving license

Compensation Benefits:
Your salary is based on the weighting of your job, your experience and your training. Frisian Flag Indonesia offers not only a competitive salary but also training and education on the job because it’s important for our people to continue to grow. After all, your development is not only good for your career; our products also benefit from it. The mutual exchange of knowledge between colleagues is also evident on the work floor. It is, after all, the most effective way to learn.

2. Business Area Supervisor (Alternative Trade Channel), Semarang
Daily operational of salesman team and stock management:
  • Plan, check and monitor route for salesman team in daily basis to ensure all outlet are visited as targeted and on schedule
  • Monitor salesman achievement target and activities based on their KPI in daily basis to ensure their actual versus plan target
  • Monitor merchandiser target and activities based on their KPI in daily basis to ensure availability and visibility product and material promotion
  • Coordinate with warehouse team related stock management in daily basis to ensure availability & quality of product

Promotion & program execution:
  • Monitor and track execution of promotion & program to ensure the implementation compliance and effectiveness
  • Gather data related promotion & program implementation to get feedback from the market

People Development:
Conduct briefing & coaching for salesman to enhance skill and knowledge

Area Development:
  • Identify market opportunity and competitor data to get updated market condition and competitor activities
  • Prepare data related distributor actual achievement to get comprehensive data for assessment and grading evaluation
  • Liaise with distributor to keep a good relationship and manage the problem occurred

To Be a Successful In This Position, You Are:
  • Must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in any field.
  • Fluent in English
  • Having at least 3-4 Year(s) of working experiences as Sales Supervisor in Fast Moving Consumer Goods
  • Willing to be stationed in Jakarta
  • Able to drive a car and have a valid driving license

Compensation Benefits:
Your salary is based on the weighting of your job, your experience and your training. Frisian Flag Indonesia offers not only a competitive salary but also training and education on the job because it’s important for our people to continue to grow. After all, your development is not only good for your career; our products also benefit from it. The mutual exchange of knowledge between colleagues is also evident on the work floor. It is, after all, the most effective way to learn.

3. Supply Chain Finance
Job Description:
Business Partnership : Provide financial business partnering on conversion cost and factory efficiency with Operation Team (production and support functions), Marketing, Category Finance and Plan & Reporting Finance

Maintain yearly standard conversion cost rate per SKU:
  • Prepare, analyze and provide insight for budget conversion cost spending of the year. Strong alignment with Plant Manager and others budget holders is require
  • Manage master recipe/ routing per SKU in the system as per agreed with production team on   resources to be used, machine speed, and OEE.
  • Develop costing allocation method as per company guideline and alignment with budget holders.
  • Process for approval with respective leaders
  • Insight to business/ commercial on conversion cost movement

Monitor weekly volume performance and factory spending progress and validation

Implement basic internal control on the production process and conversion cost spending

Net Factory Performance Actual Monthly review:
  • Calculate monthly actual factory coverage based on production volume produce from
  • Calculate the Factory Cost spending of the month
  • Calculate the variances between both, which classify as Capacity variance (leverage fixed cost) and Other production variance.
  • Lead analysis on the variances, to understand impact from resource mix and factory spending.
  • Build recommendation/ actionable insight for business partner

Monthly Outlook:
  • Conduct discussion with Plant Manager and Leadership Team to build conversion cost outlook as per latest ES&OP production volume
  • Calculate capacity variance and other production variance, build insight on the financial and non-financial KPI

Accrual & Provision Review : Establish and implement Standard of Procedures (SoP) of accrual review, do the sanity check and review to ensure accuracy data and timeline.

Periodic machine capacity review in comparison to demand forecast, align with ES&OP numbers.

Capex Monitoring:Lead monthly financial open capex review, work in progress and its capitalization plan and YTG capex spending. Build mechanism to give alert on potential risk on authorized capex value and yearly budget spending plan.

  • Bachelor or master’s degree in accounting, finance, business or equivalent
  • Minimum 3 years of controlling experience as well as in business partnering roles (interacting with business partners in supply chain and finance)
  • Very strong work ethic, resilience in the face of pressure, good team player, ability to meet multiple stretching deadlines
  • Excellent analytical and communication skills with ability to respond under pressure
  • Flexible and open minded, quick to adapt to changing requirements
  • Strong communication and report writing skills – Fluent spoken and written English is required
  • Strong analytical and Microsoft Excel skills
  • PowerPoint capability
  • Ability to work on cross functional teams

4. Regional Area Supervisor MT Jakarta
Daily operational of salesman team and stock management:
  • Plan, check and monitor route for salesman team in daily basis to ensure all outlet are visited as targeted and on schedule
  • Monitor salesman achievement target and activities based on their KPI in daily basis to ensure their actual versus plan target
  • Monitor merchandiser target and activities based on their KPI in daily basis to ensure availability and visibility product and material promotion
  • Coordinate with warehouse team related stock management in daily basis to ensure availability & quality of product

Promotion & program execution:
  • Monitor and track execution of promotion & program to ensure the implementation compliance and effectiveness
  • Gather data related promotion & program implementation to get feedback from the market

People Development.:
Conduct briefing & coaching for salesman to enhance skill and knowledge

Area Development:
  • Identify market opportunity and competitor data to get updated market condition and competitor activities
  • Prepare data related distributor actual achievement to get comprehensive data for assessment and grading evaluation
  • Liaise with distributor to keep a good relationship and manage the problem occurred

To Be a Successful In This Position, You Are:
  • Must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in any field.
  • Fluent in English
  • Having at least 2-3 Year(s) of working experiences as Sales Supervisor in Fast Moving Consumer Goods
  • Willing to be stationed in Jakarta
  • Able to drive a car and have a valid driving license

Compensation Benefits:
Your salary is based on the weighting of your job, your experience and your training. Frisian Flag Indonesia offers not only a competitive salary but also training and education on the job because it’s important for our people to continue to grow. After all, your development is not only good for your career; our products also benefit from it. The mutual exchange of knowledge between colleagues is also evident on the work floor. It is, after all, the most effective way to learn.

Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:


Diharapkan untuk membaca secara keseluruhan informasi dengan teliti
Hanya pelamar terbaik sesuai klasifikasi yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya
Selama proses rekrutmen tidak ada dikenakan biaya apapun

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.
Informasi seputar lowongan kerja BUMN, CPNS & Swasta lainnya kunjungi www.lokerblog.com

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