Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Paragon Technology and Innovation Mei 2023
LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru Mei 2023) - Tingkat SDM seseorang bisa dilihat dari keahlian dan pengalaman kerja yang dia miliki. Jadi menjadi seorang calon karyawan yang memiliki SDM tinggi anda harus mempunyai beberapa skill dan kemampuan yang harus anda andalkan nantinya dalam seleksi di perusahaan. Untuk itulah mengapa setiap perusahaan melakukan tes seleksi dalam merekrut karyawannya karena mereka ingin mencari calon kandidat yang betul-betul memiliki talenta dan SDM yang baik. Banyak orang yang tidak mengetahui bahwa SDM sangat dibutuhkan kan agar lebih mudah beradaptasi dengan pekerjaan yang diberikan. Anda dituntut untuk menjadi seorang calon karyawan yang mampu berkompetensi dan mampu menerima tantangan yang ada. Untuk mencari informasi terbaru mengenai lowongan pekerjaan Anda bisa langsung mencari secara online pada website perusahaan-perusahaan yang membuka loker. Atau anda bisa langsung menanyakan kepada teman-temanmu yang bekerja pada perusahaan yang anda inginkan. Boleh saja anda Samsung menjatuhkan sebuah lamaran ke perusahaan walaupun tanpa ada ada pemberitahuan dari perusahaan karena biasanya perusahaan juga membutuhkan karyawan secara mendadak. Dalam informasi digital dan internet yang semakin berkembang, perusahaan pun memfasilitasi berbagai website yang menyampaikan informasi terbaru mengenai lowongan pekerjaan. Untuk itu sering lah secara update mencari informasi informasi mengenai lowongan pekerjaan yang dibuka melalui website perusahaan ataupun situs-situs penyedia layanan loker gratis. Semua orang menginginkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan pendidikan dan ke jurusannya. Tetapi banyak orang salah memahami dalam memilih pekerjaan karena dia melihat Dari segi pendapatan dan gaji yang tinggi. Padahal untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan anda harus menyesuaikan Apakah posisi yang dilamar tersebut sudah sesuai dengan kemampuanmu dan sesuai dengan kriteria yang anda miliki. Disamping itu anda memerlukan persiapan yang matang agar lebih percaya diri dan memantapkan SDM. Apabila anda memiliki bakat dan kepintaran tentu bisa menjadi modal dasar dalam bersaing tetapi jika hal tersebut tidak diasah ataupun tanpa persiapan yang matang bisa saja anda gagal lebih cepat.
Lowongan Kerja PT Paragon Technology and Innovation - PT Paragon Technology and Innovation bergerak di bidang kosmetik manufaktur dan mendapat sertifikat GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) dengan kapasitas produksi yang besar dan formulasi yang unggul. Dengan pengalaman di bidang kosmetik lebih dari 28 tahun PT PTI telah membawa Wardah Cosmetics sebagai brand lokal dengan penjualan tertinggi di Matahari Dept. Store (Departemen Store terbesar di Indonesia), serta pada tanggal 5 Juli 2012 mendapat Halal Award oleh LPPOM MUI sebagai pionir kosmetik halal. PT PTI juga membawa MAKE OVER sebagai brand terpercaya oleh para Make-Up artis terkemuka. PT PTI terus mengembangkan brand-brand unggulan lainnya, seperti Putri, IX, Vivre, Hair Addict, dan Nusilk.
Saat ini PT Paragon Technology and Innovation kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Mei 2023 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.
Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Paragon Technology and Innovation Tahun 2023
Paragon One Stop Hiring (POSH) Bandung Chapter
General Requirements :
- Fresh graduates from Bandung and nearby are welcome to apply (with less than 2 years of experience)
- Min. Bachelor (S1) in all major (several positions with specific major preferable)
- Having strong interest in FMCG industry
- Proactive, persistent, and problem-solving oriented
- Good communication skill
- Fast learner and eager to learn
- Willing to be placed in Head Office, Plant or all over Indonesia (placement based on its position)
Available Positions :
1. Marketing
Qualifications :
- Bachelor degree from reputable university
- For Brand, CMI, Media, and Marketing Operations Excellence: preferably with engineering/science background
- Fresh graduates or 1-2 years experiences in related field above are welcomed to apply
Main Responsibilities :
Marketing Management Trainee will be assigned to to either one of functions below:
- Brand: Building the brand strategy to win consumer’s heart by fulfilling consumer needs using creative and innovative approach to strengthen brand equity
- Consumer and Market Insight (CMI): Conduct research & ensure quality by defining clarity & alignment, relevancy of the insights against the chosen methods/framework, data integrity, impact-driven insights. Ensurecompliance of end-to-end process (planning and execution) of custom research studies.
- Marketing Operations Excellence: Provide strategic business analysis and orchestrate marketing cross function within organization’s operation. Able to communicate and get along well with others.
- Media: Create, implement, and evaluate an effective and efficient media plan (digital and conventional) placement strategy that relevant to the target audience according to brand plan periodically
- Public Relations: Plan and execute public relations activities & media relations, also evaluate the effectivity. Initiate, manage and maintain relationship with partners (media/KOL/influencers/communities)
2. Finance
Qualifications :
- Minimum Bachelor (S1)
- Major in Accounting, Economics, and Management
- Have 1-2 years of experience are welcome to apply
- Understanding of overall key finance business processes combined with
- strong business acumen
- Strong analytic and interpersonal skills
- Able to communicate and influence stakeholders at any level
- Willing to be placed all over Indonesia
Main Responsibilities:
- Assist in providing Finance Business Partnering to respective Directorates by translating data into insights into action
- Ensure basic finance process/operation and basic accounting controls are in place in all Directorates’ processes
- Ensure operation & control in place related to financial accounting services to the Company and, in particular, to the respective Directorate
- Controlling the utilization of the company’s financial resources in accordance with existing business processes and supporting company dynamics while maintaining prudence and compliance
3. Product Development
Qualifications :
- Minimum Bachelor (S1) in all major (For Packaging Innovation and Development preferably from: Mechanical; Chemical or Material Engineering)
- Fresh graduates and having 1-2 years experience are welcome to apply
- Having a passion in beauty or cosmetics
- Fluent in English (Oral and Written) ; ability to communicate in Mandarin is an advantage
Main Responsibilities :
- This position will be responsible for developing new products, start from determine ideas, make concepts to launch in achieving customer satisfaction.
- Aside to the product development, this position also have a role as packaging innovation that responsible for planning and executing packaging development initiatives and activities; starting from concepting together with relevant department ; validation to run smoothly in production at packaging manufacturer and packing lines Standard.
4. Commercial
Qualifications :
- Willing to work out of town/province/throughout Indonesia
- Someone who likes to update about the cosmetics industry/market
- Proactive and problem-solving oriented
- Familiar with Microsoft Office (Especially Excel and PowerPoint)
- Ability to build solid relationships and collaboration both internally and with external partners (Good communication, interpersonal skill, teamwork, etc)
- Passionate in Territory Management/Key Account Management
- Strong in numerical, analytical, and strategical thinking
- Final year students are welcome to apply
- Minimum Bachelor (S1) in all major
Main Responsibilities :
This position will be responsible for:
- Decoding consumers & market trends and messages of the brands delivered by the Marketing Team and translating them into real actions strategies on the field.
- Collaborate with Parama Team to ensure that our products are accessible by our consumers through coverage/distribution expansion to potential customers.
- Being a business partner for our customers (retailers) to grow through business data analysis, conduct business reviews, make relevant collaboration initiatives, improve retail performance in-store level, etc.
5. Media
Qualifications :
- Bachelor’s degrees in Communication, science, engineering, or any major are welcome.
- Good with numbers and Strategic thinking
- Eager to learn new things
- Prefered Having an experience in related works, agency or brand side.
Main Responsibilities:
- Create and implement an effective and efficient media plan (digital and conventional) placement strategy that is relevant to the target audience according to the brand plan periodically
- Manage relationships with agency and media partners.
- Monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the media plan
- Work closely with cross-functions to have integrated communication planning
6. Logistic & Distribution
- Minimum S1 in all majors (Finance and Industrial Engineer Preferable)
- Have good negotiation skills
- Willing to be placed all over Indonesia
- Final year students and 1-2 years of experience are welcome to apply
- Interest in warehouse and logistic management
- Detail oriented
Main Responsibilities:
- Evaluate and Make a Cost and Resource Efficiency plan
- Meeting Coordination with operation and sales stakeholders
- Stock Projection to support pull system and promotion act
- Monitor and evaluate Delivery Order vs Fulfillment to check casefile
- Monitor and evaluate Overdue and Collection Rate FAR
- Monitor and evaluate 5R & SSHE
- Monitor data accuracy WMS
- Monitor DOTS
- Slow moving, return, NED/ED item monitoring
Recruitment Timeline :
- Registration Online: 8 April-6 May
- Online Tes : 11-14 Mey
- Written Tes Offline : 16-17 May
- HR Interview Offline : 18-19 May
- Final Interview Online : End of May
- Onboarding Offline : Star June
- Written Test & HR Interview will be held in Bandung
Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
Diharapkan untuk membaca secara keseluruhan informasi dengan teliti
Hanya pelamar terbaik sesuai klasifikasi yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya
Selama proses rekrutmen tidak ada dikenakan biaya apapun
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.
Informasi seputar lowongan kerja BUMN, CPNS & Swasta lainnya kunjungi www.lokerblog.com
source https://www.lokerblog.com/2023/05/lowongan-kerja-terbaru-pt-paragon.html
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